As many of you know, Trent’s food service workers are employed by Compass Group and not the University directly. Their Local, CUPE 3205, has been working to secure a new collective agreement, but yesterday the Peterborough Examiner ran a piece on the breakdown of contract talks with Compass. Members of 3205 will be tabling at the Student Centre today from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. If you can, please stop by to wish them well, sign their banner, and take a sticker showing you support their campaign for fair pay. These workers’ wages have not kept pace with inflation since the pandemic and their bargaining unit suffers from high turnover, despite its importance to the campus community. You will hear more from us on all this in the coming days – TUFA has a long and consistent practice of supporting other unions on campus — but for now please do your bit to show the members of CUPE 3205 that we have their backs.
In Solidarity,