TUFA’s Executive has scheduled a Special General Membership Meeting (GMM) for 10:30 am on Tuesday, February 4th. This meeting is responsive to a request from members on December 5th that we meet early in the new year to discuss the University’s financial position. It also provides an opportunity for our Chief Negotiator to update members on preparations for bargaining and compensation matters.
As time ran out before we completed the December 5th Agenda, we will also wrap-up unfinished business and afford time to discuss the reports provided by the Chairs of the Palestinian Students and Scholars at Risk Committee and the TUFA Scholars Against the Scholasticide in Palestine Committee.
The meeting will be hybrid and is scheduled to last two hours. For those attending in person, we have reserved Room 307 in Champlain College on the Symons Campus. Members preferring to participate remotely can do so by using the Zoom link previously emailed to members.
The tentative Agenda is attached; other documents will follow. Alternative formats for TUFA documents are available on request. Per the Association’s “Policy on Payment for Care of Dependents,” individual members anticipating such expenses in connection with attending a GMM should contact the TUFA office to arrange for reimbursement.
In Solidarity,