
ATS and TUFA Presidents

Organizing Committee

  • 1964-1966 – R. L. Edwards


  • 1966-1968 – M. J. Boote
  • 1968-1969 – Hodgins
  • 1969-1970 – C. Carter
  • 1970-1972 – S. F. Gallagher
  • 1972-1974 – R. D. Chambers
  • 1974-1976 – K. Rautenkranz
  • 1976-1978 – Cyril Carter
  • 1978-1979 – John Fekete
  • 1979-1980 – David Kettler


  • 1980-1982 – David Morrison
  • 1982-1984 – Noel Murphy
  • 1984-1984 – Bernie Hodgson
  • 1985-1986 – George Nader
  • 1987-1988 – Jim Struthers
  • 1988-1989 – Christl Verduyn
  • 1989-1990 – Keith Walden
  • 1990-1992 – John Gilchrist
  • 1992-1993 – Doug Curtis
  • 1993-1995 – Ken Field
  • 1995-1998 – John Fekete
  • 1998-2000 – E. A. Skip Maxwell
  • 2000-2004 – Peter Dawson
  • 2004-2005 – Stefan Bilaniuk
  • 2005-2007 – Ken Field
  • 2007-2010 – Susan Wurtele
  • 2010-2014 – David Newhouse
  • 2014-2015 – Jocelyn Williams
  • 2015-2016 – Geoffrey Navara
  • 2016-2018 – Jocelyn Williams
  • 2018-2020 – Dirk Wallschlaeger
  • 2021          – Fergal O’Hagan
  • 2021-2023 – Moira Howes
  • 2023-2025 – Geoffrey Navara


  Executive Committee Membership


Geoff Navara (President), Dwayne Collins (Vice-President), Robin Quantick  (Secretary), Jaime Morales (Treasurer), David Newhouse  (Grievance), Susan Wurtele (Chief Negotiator), Alba Agostino Member-At-Large (Equity),  Mara Heiber M@L (LTAs), George Kovacs M@L, Adwoa Onuora M@L (Durham), Karleen Pendleton Jimenez M@L, Andrew Tanentzap M@L, Moira Howes (Past President)


Geoff Navara (President), Dwayne Collins (Vice-President), Robin Quantick  (Secretary), Jaime Morales (Treasurer), David Newhouse  (Grievance), Susan Wurtele (Chief Negotiator), Alba Agostino Member-At-Large (Equity),  Mara Heiber M@L (LTAs), Elaine Scharfe M@L, George Kovacs M@L, Moira Howes (Past President)


Moira Howes (President), Dwayne Collins (Vice-President), Vacant  (Secretary), Jaime Morales (Treasurer),  Geoff Navara (Grievance), Susan Wurtele (Chief Negotiator), Alba Agostino Member-At-Large (Durham), Robin Quantick M@L (LTAs), David Newhouse M@L, Wenying Feng M@L, Elaine Scharfe M@L


Moira Howes (President), Dwayne Collins (Vice-President), Baris Karaagac (Secretary), Jaime Morales (Treasurer), David Newhouse (Grievance), Susan Wurtele (Chief Negotiator), Alba Agostino Member-At-Large (Durham), Dalon Taylor Member-at-Large (Equity),  Michael Classens Member-At-Large (LTAs), Wenying Feng M@L, Michele McIntosh M@L, Robin Quantick M@L


Fergal O’Hagan (Acting-President), Dwayne Collins (Secretary), Jaime Morales (Treasurer), David Newhouse (Grievance), Susan Wurtele (Chief Negotiator), Leslie Kerr, Brenda Smith-Chant Member-At-Large (Durham), Michele McIntosh Member-at-Large (Equity), Baris Karaagac Member-At-Large (LTA), Robin Quantick Member-At-Large


Dirk Wallschlaeger (President), Fergal O’Hagan (Vice-President), Dwayne Collins (Secretary), Jaime Morales (Treasurer), David Newhouse (Grievance), Susan Wurtele (Chief Negotiator), Leslie Kerr, Brenda Smith-Chant Member-At-Large (Durham), Michele McIntosh Member-at-Large (Equity), Baris Karaagac Member-At-Large (LTA), Robin Quantick Member-At-Large



Dirk Wallschlaeger (President), Fergal O’Hagan (Vice-President), Dwayne Collins (Secretary), Jaime Morales (Treasurer), David Newhouse (Grievance), Susan Wurtele (Chief Negotiator), Jocelyn Williams (Past President), Byron Stoyles, Michele McIntosh, Leslie Kerr, Brenda Smith-Chant Member-At-Large (Durham), Susan Hillock Member-at-Large (Equity), Baris Karaagac Member-At-Large (LTA)



Dirk Wallschlaeger (President), Fergal O’Hagan (Vice-President), Ray Dart (Secretary), Jaime Morales (Treasurer), David Newhouse (Grievance), Susan Wurtele (Chief Negotiator), Jocelyn Williams (Past President), Byron Stoyles, Ingrid Brenner, Michele McIntosh, Rita Bode, Member-At-Large (Durham), Susan Hillock, Member-at-Large (Equity), Dwayne Collins, Member-At-Large (LTA)



Jocelyn Williams (President), Dirk Wallschlaeger (Vice-President), Ray Dart (Secretary), Jaime Morales (Treasurer), David Newhouse (Grievance), Susan Wurtele (Chief Negotiator), Geoffrey Navara (Past President), Byron Stoyles, Ingrid Brenner, Paul Elliott, Fergal O’Hagan, Member-At-Large (Durham), Susan Hillock, Member-at-Large (Equity), Dwayne Collins, Member-At-Large (LTA)



Jocelyn Williams (President), Dirk Wallschlaeger (Vice-President), Susan Wurtele (Chief Negotiator), James Watson (Secretary), Ray Dart (Treasurer), David Newhouse (Grievance), Joanna Freeland, Member-at-Large (Equity), Byron Stoyles, Ingrid Brenner, Helen Haines (Durham), Paul Elliott, Geoffrey Navara (Past President), Fergal O’Hagan, Member-At-Large (LTA)



Geoffrey Navara (President), Dirk Wallschlaeger (Vice-President), Susan Wurtele (Chief Negotiator), James Watson (Secretary), Marco Pollanen (Treasurer), David Newhouse (Grievance),Jocelyn Williams (Past President), Momin Rahman Member-at-Large (Equity), Byron Stoyles, Ingrid Brenner, Helen Haines, R James Cook



Jocelyn Williams (President) Geoffrey Navara (Vice-President), Susan Wurtele (Grievance) James Watson (Secretary), Ray Dart (Treasurer) Dirk Wallschlaeger (Salaries & Benefits) David Newhouse (Past President), Brenda Smith-Chant, Kathryn Norlock



David Newhouse (President) Jocelyn Williams (Vice President), Ray Dart (Treasurer), James Watson (Grievance), Geoff Navara (Secretary), Brenda Smith Chant, Dirk Wallschlaeger, Susan Wurtele



David Newhouse (President) Ray Dart (Secretary-Treasurer) Bruce Cater (Salaries & Benefits) James Watson (Grievance) Brenda Smith Chant



David Newhouse (President), Sara Humphreys, Bruce Cater, Ray Dart, Brenda Smith-Chant, Susan Wurtele



David Newhouse (President), Sara Humphreys, Bruce Cater, Brenda Smith-Chant, Paul Elliott, Susan Wurtele, Momin Rahman (resigned), Ray Dart



Susan Wurtele (President), David Newhouse, Bruce Cater, Richard Hurley , Stephan Bilaniuk, Rory Coughlan



Susan Wurtele (President), Charmaine Eddy, Sean Kane (resigned Oct 27/08) Rory Coughlan, Richard Hurley, Stephan Bilaniuk (co-opted in June), Bruce Cater (acclaimed Nov 25/08), David Newhouse (acclaimed Nov 25/08)



Susan Wurtele (President), Rory Coughlan, Marco Pollanen, Sean Kane, Charmaine Eddy (co-opted in June), Mary-Jo Nadeau (resigned), Gillian Balfour (resigned), P. Dawson (co-opted in September, resigned)



Ken Field (President), Richard Hurley, Mary-Jo Nadeau, Sean Kane, Rory Coughlan (resigned), Carolyn Kay (resigned), Stefan Bilaniuk (resigned in Feb), Marco Pollanen (resigned), Moira Howes (resigned)



Ken Field (President), Rory Coughlan, Peter Dawson, Richard Hurley, Marco Pollanen, Joan Sangster, Stephen Regoczei



Stefan Bilaniuk (President), Ken Field, Richard Hurley, Marco Pollanen, Stephen Regoczei, Peter Dawson, Konrad Kinzl



Peter Dawson (President), Ken Field, Magda Havas, Sean Kane, David Newhouse, Morgan Tamplin, John Topic, Richard Hurley



Peter Dawson (President), Stefan Bilaniuk, Ken Field, Richard Hurley, David Newhouse, Morgan Tamplin, Magda Havas



Peter Dawson (President), Stefan Bilaniuk, Richard Hurley, John Topic, Morgan Tamplin



Peter Dawson (President), Stefan Bilaniuk, Jim Driscoll, Morgan Tamplin, John Topic, Susan Jamieson, Richard Hurley (co-opted in Jan)



E.A. Skip Maxwell (President), Stefan Bilaniuk, Peter Dawson, Susan Jamieson, Doug Lowe,, Janice Millard, Yves Thomas, John Topic



E. A. Skip Maxwell (President), Stefan Bilaniuk, Doug Lowe, Janice Millard, Yves Thomas



John Fekete (President), Graham Cogley, John Hillman, Deborah Kennett, Janice Millard, John Topic, B. Leith (co-opted in May, then resigned in Sept), Yves Thomas (co-opted in May), E. A. Skip Maxwell (co-opted in Sept)



John Fekete (President), Graham Cogley, Peter Dawson, John Hillman, Bernie Hodgson, Deborah Kennett, Janice Millard, George Nader, Stephen Regoczei



John Fekete (President), Peter Dawson, Lorrie Clark, John Hillman, Bernie Hodgson, Stephen Regoczei, Deborah Kennett, Janice Millard, Noel Murphy (co-opted in Nov), George Nader (co-opted in Jan)



Ken Field (President), Stefan Bilaniuk, Lorrie Clarke, Graham Cogley, Sean Kane, Konrad Kinzl, David Sheinin, John Fekete, John Hillman (co-opted in June)



Ken Field (President), Doug Curtis, Kathryn Campbell, Konrad Kinzl, Doug Lowe, John Syrett, Yves Thomas, Sean Kane, Jacqueline Muldoon, David Sheinin (co-opted in Jan)



Doug Curtis, (President), Ken Field, Michael Berrill, Debra Clarke, Jim Driscoll, Doug Lowe, John Syrett, Gisele Thibault, Yves Thomas



John Gilchrist (President), Doug Curtis (Acting President), John Syrett, Ken Field, Doug Lowe, Frank Nutch, Yves Thomas, Jacqueline Muldoon, Gisele Thibault



John Gilchrist (President), Doug Curtis, Jacqueline Muldoon, Frank Nutch, John Syrett, Jonathan Bordo, Jim Buttle, Kathryn Campbell (left in July), Keith Walden, Ken Field (co-opted in Sept)



Keith Walden (President), Jonathan Bordo, Kathryn Campbell, Frank Nutch, David Poole, Christl Verduyn, Jim Buttle, Doug Curtis, M. Huberman



Christl Verduyn (President), Kathryn Campbell, Konrad Kinzl, David Poole, Marisa Scigliano, Jim Struthers, Keith Walden, Ian Sandeman



Jim Struthers (President), C. Carter (sabbatical Jan-Jun ’88), Konrad Kinzl, Marisa Scigliano, Christl Verduyn, Keith Walden, B. Hodgins, George Nader



George Nader (President), Kathryn Campbell, Christl Verduyn, Keith Walden, Jim Struthers, Bruce Hodgins, Cyril Carter, Konrad Kinzl (co-opted in Jan)



George Nader (Chairman), Kathryn Campbell, John Gilchrist, Paul Healy, Jim Struthers, Christl Verduyn, Graham Cogley, R. Page



Bernie Hodgson (Chairman), George Nader (Vice Chair), John Gilchrist, Ian Sandeman, Jim Struthers, R. Page, Graham Cogley, Paul Healy, Pat Morton, Christl Verduyn (co-opted in Feb), Kathryn Campbell (co-opted in Feb)



Noel Murphy (Chairman), Bernie Hodgson (Vice-Chair) George Nader, Zailig Pollock, Ian Sandeman, Pat Morton, Graham Cogley, R. Carter, R. Page (co-opted in Jan)



ATS Becomes TUFA



Noel Murphy (Chairman), Fred Tromly, Pat Morton, Zailig Pollock, John Hillman, Bernie Hodgson, John Syrett, Ian Sandeman



David Morrison (Chairman), Elma Healey, John Hillman, Noel Murphy, John Syrett, Fred Tromly, Ron Johnson (co-opted in Apr), Ann Robertson (co-opted in Jan), Graham Cogley (co-opted in Feb)



Certification as a Trade Union



David Kettler (ATS Chairman), G. Gogley, M.E. Lake, Denis Smith, Dawn Smith, John Syrett, David Morrison



David Kettler (ATS Chairman), Graham Cogley, Doug Curtis, D. Kettler, David Morrison, Cyril Carter (co-opted in June), Dawn Smith (co-opted in Aug), Anna McCalla (observer), A. Worthington (resigned), E.A. Skip Maxwell (co-opted in Oct), M. E. Lake (co-opted in Jan), S. Smith (co-opted in Jan)



J. Fekete (ATS Chairman), Chris Huxley, Maurice Boote, R. Dellamora, K. Johnson, A. Wernick, John Gilchrist, Doug Curtis, Anna McCalla, K. Rautenkranz



Cyril Carter (ATS Chairman), John Fekete, Richard Dellamora, Magnus Gunther, A. Kruger, D. Curtis



Cyril Carter (ATS Chairman), R.E. March, K Rautenkranz, M. Gunther, D. Curtis, R.A. Lockhart,



K. Rautenkranz (ATS Chairman), R.E. March, K.W. Johnson, E. Ornstein, D. Curtis



K. Rautenkranz (ATS Chairman), Weismiller, Tracey, E.A. Maxwell



R.D. Chambers (ATS Chairman), WA McMullen, C.E.J. Caldicott, Cyril Carter, J.T. Gilchrist, J.A. Wiseman, K. Rautenkranz, E.A. Maxwell, Kenneth Tracey, David Weismiller



R.D. Chambers (ATS Chairman), W.A. McMullen, J. Gilchrist, C.E.J. Caldicott, Cyril Carter, J.A. Wiseman, K. Rautenkranz



S.F. Gallagher (ATS Chairman), P. Royle, D. Morrison,C. Carter, J.A. Wiseman, R.D.D. Chambers, J. Gilchrist



S.F. Gallagher (ATS Chairman), C. Carter (vice-chair) D. Morrison, Morris, Rautenkranz, Sandeman, Max Young



Cyril Carter (ATS Chairman), Hodgins, MacAdam, Morris, Rautenkrantz, Sandeman, Max Young, Chambers



Hodgins (ATS Chairman), J.I. MacAdam, Miss J.P. Bews, Morris, I.M. Sandeman, Nighswander, Rautenkranz



M.J. Boote (ATS Chairman), B.W. Hodgins, Kay, J.E Nighswander, I.M. Sandeman, A. Wilson, Mrs. Lawrence



M.J. Boote (Chair), I.M. Sandeman, Kay, Alan Wilson



The Association of the Teaching Staff was created in 1966 to promote scholarship, the welfare of the University and of its academic staff, and in affiliation with the Canadian Association of University Teachers and with the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations, to contribute to the advancement of the standards of the Canadian University community. (Constitution, RG 15 Box 1 Folder 1).
In 1980, certification was granted, and in 1983 the ATS became the Trent University Faculty Association (TUFA).



M.J. Boote (Chair), I.M. Sandeman, Kay, Alan Wilson

  ATS Consideration Committee


R.L. Edwards (Chair of the Committee)



R.L. Edwards (Chair of the Committee), M.J. Boote, Miss M.G. Fry, Smith