Authority: Executive Committee
Approved: 29 February 2016
The TUFA Constitution establishes five appointed positions on the Executive Committee. These are: Chief Negotiator, Chief Grievance Officer, and up to three Members-at-Large. The first of these does not have a set term in office; the other four, however, are appointed for renewable one-year terms beginning May 1. This document establishes the procedures to be followed by the Executive in appointing members to these offices.
1) The appointment of the Chief Negotiator can be accomplished by a simple majority vote of the Executive. The Executive Committee may only recall or replace a Chief Negotiator at a regularly scheduled meeting or at a special meeting of the Executive called with at least three working-days notice that this item will be on the agenda. Recall or replacement shall not take place without affording the member being removed from office an opportunity to address the meeting prior to the vote. Removal from office requires a two-thirds majority of those voting as well as the assenting votes of, at least, three of: the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Chief Grievance Officer, and Past President.
2) The appointment of the Chief Grievance Officer and three Members-at-Large shall generally be done at the last regularly scheduled Executive Committee meeting before the May 1st change in office. These appointments must, in any event, follow the outcome of the Executive elections. The Nominating Committee shall be invited, as part of its duties, to consider potential appointees to the Association’s Executive and may also be asked for recommendations on any other committees that the Executive
is required to staff. The President shall consult with the incoming officers prior to the Executive voting on these appointments. Newly elected officers who have not yet taken office shall be invited to attend the meeting at which the appointments are to be made: these officers shall be afforded voice, but not vote.
3) Appointments that are consistent with a recommendation made by the Nominating Committee require only a simple majority vote of the Executive. The appointment of a Chief Grievance Officer or Member-at-Large who has not been recommended by the Nominating Committee requires a majority vote of those voting as well as the assenting votes of, at least, two of: the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Past President. Incumbent members under consideration for reappointment shall recuse themselves from that portion of the meeting in which their own reappointment, or the appointment of a successor, is decided.
4) The appointed Member-at-Large positions are intended, in part, to ensure representation for specific constituent groups within the Association. In the event, that an elected officer is drawn from any one or more of these groups, the Nominating Committee need not recommend, and the Executive need not appoint, a Member-at-Large to represent that constituency. The Executive may, however, choose to do so, or may choose to reinforce another under-represented portion of the membership, or may leave the position vacant.