The John Fekete Award Terms of Reference


Established in 2012, the John Fekete Award recognizes outstanding service to the Trent University Faculty Association, its members, or the academic profession generally. The award honours Professor John Fekete whose 36-year career as a member of the Trent University faculty was marked by extensive service to the Union and its affiliates.


The John Fekete Award may only be granted to an individual who has been a member of
the Trent University Faculty Association and has contributed significantly to the
Association or profession in any of the following ways:

  • by advancing the cause of collective bargaining and/or academic staff advocacy;
  • by contributing to the governance and internal development of the Association and/or its organizational affiliates;
  • by representing the Association and/or the broader profession as a negotiator, lobbyist, spokesperson, or advocate.

The number and frequency of awards shall be as the TUFA Membership deem appropriate, but the award should not generally be given more than once in any 12-month period.


Nominations received by the Executive Committee prior to January 15th, shall be submitted to an Awards Committee struck by the Executive Committee. Each nomination should include the following:

  • a letter detailing the candidate’s contribution and achievements as they relate to the criteria noted above;
  • a full curriculum vitae;
  • no fewer than 3 letters of support from colleagues and members of the profession who are acquainted with the candidate’s relevant advocacy and service work.

The Awards Committee may gather additional information that its members believe warranted to assist their decision making.

Approval and Presentation

Following review of nominations received by the January 15th deadline, the Awards Committee shall present its recommendations at the Spring General Membership Meeting. A simple majority of members voting shall determine if the body accepts the Award Committee’s recommendation.

The John Fekete Award will generally be presented to the successful candidate at the next scheduled General Membership Meeting that the recipient is able to attend.

An individual may receive the John Fekete Award only once.

Established by action of the Membership: April 18th, 2013.